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How to Get Stuff Done When You are Depressed

An inspiring and informative TedTalk by Jessica Gimeno

What It’s Like

to Have an ADHD Brain

(And how I found refuge from the nonstop chaos inside my own head)

by Natalie Slivinski

My Depression:

The Up and Down of it

A short documentary

which can help your partner/family understand depression

by Elizabeth Swados

"You Should

Have Asked"

A brilliant cartoon about the mental load women bear in households

by Emma

Cycle Tracking



"Cleveland Clinic’s clinically developed, 6-week online course for improving sleep, teaches you to identify and then reframe specific thoughts and behaviors that are interfering with your ability to sleep deeply - all in the comfort and privacy of your own bedroom."

(Helpful Handout)

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Useful Resources

Additional Useful Resources

Free self-help guides, free 24/7 text therapy.
Online counseling is not discounted, but is only $150/month

Free evidence-based self care relief

Sign up for inspirational “word of the day”, light a virtual candle,

send an e-card, meditate, practice gratitude, connect with a

world-wide community

Press 2 then 1 (free, confidential 24/7 mental health support) 

Mental Health of America has compiled their own comprehensive list of resources, tools, webinars, workshops, and more.​

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